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Brewtools Overflow Pipe Kit

Enhedspris ved 1stk. 650,00 DKK (inkl. moms)

Opgraderingssæt til B80pro afsendt inden 2020.
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Leveringstid :
1-3  arbejdsdage
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Om produktet
The overflow pipe kit is a solution for the malt pipe in our brewing system. It makes it simple to avoid dry heating elements and grains in your wort.

OBS! ***Requires Laser cut filter for your Brewtools model!***

The system is fastened to your filter (Punch out the pre-cut hole in the laser cut filter or use a 25mm hole punch for the standard filters).

It's adjustable from about half batch to a full malt pipe.

Note: We never recommend to run a high power brewing system without supervision. This safety solution does not guarantee avoiding burnt heating elements due to dry running.

Included in the package:
- Overflow pipe with M24 threads, 180mm
- Pipe kit, 200, 300 and 400mm)
- Silicone parts
- Filter, laser cut
- M24 nut
- M24 hole cover
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