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LalBrew New England (American East Coast) Tørgær - 11 g

Enhedspris ved 1stk. 39,00 DKK (inkl. moms)

Perfekt til de Amerikanske østkyst-stilarter med sine tropiske og frugtagtige estere; især stenfrugter som fersken.
Lager :
På lager  (58)
Leveringstid :
1-3  arbejdsdage
Varenummer :
Om produktet
Perfekt til de Amerikanske østkyst-stilarter med sine tropiske og frugtagtige estere; især stenfrugter som fersken.

Generel information:
In Lallemand’s Standard Conditions Wort at 20°C (68°F) LalBrew New England™ yeast exhibits:
Fermentation that can be completed in 7 days, a bit slower than most ale strains. This is a normal and perfectly natural characteristic of this strain.
Medium to high attenuation and Medium flocculation.
Neutral to slightly fruity and estery flavor and aroma.
The optimal temperature range for LalBrew New England™ yeast when producing traditional styles is 15°C(59°F) to
Lag phase can be longer when compared with other strains, ranging from 24-36 hours.
Fermentation rate, fermentation time and degree of attenuation are dependent on inoculation density, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and nutritional quality of the wort.
Teknisk Datasheet  Biotransfermation 
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